Printmaking - Autumn Term

23rd September - 9th December 2024

£295 including all materials

Lyndsay offers 10 week printmaking courses on Mondays. The courses are suitable for complete beginners as well as the more advanced student. Class sizes are kept very small to allow for plenty of one-to-one tuition and experimentation.

Lyndsay’s Autumn Term starts on Monday 23rd and runs until 9th December (there is a two week break on 14th & 21st October). Monday class times are;

  • 10am - 12pm

  • 7pm - 9pm

The course provides opportunities for students to explore the following printmaking techniques;

  • Mono Printing

  • Screen Printing

  • Dry Point Etching

  • Collagraph

  • Lino Printing

To book a place, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.

About Lyndsay

My love of printmaking started at Camberwell Art School in London in the 80's where I undertook a degree in Fine Art Textiles. After graduating I exhibited widely in London, Paris, Japan, Germany, New York and Edinburgh and then returned to my homeland in Scotland in the 90's continuing my practice for a few years before taking a break to raise my 4 children. Over the last few years I have rekindled my love of printmaking, casting and papermaking , exhibiting and selling my work widely as well as teaching workshops and classes.

Printmaking in East Lothian