A 6-week course in Creativity & Everyday Mindfulness with Stella Robertson


Have you had periods in your life when you don’t know how to express yourself creatively, got stuck half way through a project or have just felt creatively blocked? Or maybe you have plenty of ideas (too many?) but can’t get started, stay focused or finish a project?

This course will give you thinking, feeling and action strategies to help you manage the normal ups and downs of creativity and shift from “No!” to “Flow”. This includes short mindfulness practices that help us slow down and listen, so we can notice when we have become hijacked by our inner critic. Only then can we take steps to turn this voice around and tune into our inner creative instead.

Stella is a designer/educator/mindfulness guide who has been researching creativity, resilience & wellbeing for over 20 years. She has an MA in Creativity & Innovation from The Edward de Bono Institute of Thinking (Malta) and taught design for 18 years at Massey University, College of Creative Arts in New Zealand. During lockdown Stella began a two year intensive training with the UK Mindfulness Association which she feels has been fundamental to her understanding of how to unlock creativity in herself and others. She now lives in Dunbar and runs Loop Mindfulness & Creativity teaching groups and working 1:1 with individual clients to find their flow.

Everyday mindfulness is a way of bringing mindfulness into day-to-day life. Research is beginning to show that this, more digestible approach to mindfulness can be as beneficial as longer sitting practices and is especially good for people who have previously struggled with mindfulness meditation.

Check out Stella’s website for more information about her practice and research.